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Short: Amigaize Windows95 Environment Author: TAO Uploader: chantao@hotmail.com Version: 1.0 Type: misc/emu Requires: Windows 95 on a PC or an Amiga with a Pc emulator, Internet access and lots of patience Don't we all hate the look and the feel of Windoz95. The sad fact is, we all have to use it, torment by it and put up with it somehow from our work, school and so on. Would it not be wonderful to change it all? Well, may be at least cosmatically to make us feel more at home. Yes, I am talking about changing the whole Win95 environment to look and perhaps a tiny bit more like an Amiga Workbench envirnoment. What you must do ================ -Install all of these files onto your own PC or Win95 on your Amiga -Install all of these files onto your Dad's, friends' and relatives' PC. I mean with their permission ; 0 ) -Amaze your PC friends and colleques ; 0 P and make them believe that Amiga is taking over the universe. What you must not do ==================== Install any of these files onto any PC without permission such as the ones in the police stations, Home Office, White House, and especially Bill Gates's personal LapTop ; 0 ) . ======== FEATURES ======== Effect Author Contact ======================================================================== Boot & Shut down Pictures Me (TAO) chantao@hotmail.com ======================================================================== New Icons + add on Marko Schuster ns103@fen.baynet.de ======================================================================== Amiga Screen Saver Midas midas@tomtec.abg.sub.org ======================================================================== AmigaGuide Steven Eckles steve@intech.co.uk ======================================================================== ======================================= How to do it and where to get the files ======================================= Boot & Shut down Pictures ========================= From the designer's (me) point of view, the Win95 boot & shut down Pictures are really naff. Two picture files enclosed in this archive were drawn by me with DPaint IV. You can view them with any PC Paint packages or multiview if you have Bmp DT on your Amiga. Where to get the files? They are included in this archive. (Logo.sys & LogoW.sys) How to install? Put Logo.sys in C:\ (This file previously does not exist) Put LogoW.sys in your win95 directory (If you don't want to over write the existing file but why not ; 0 ) ? rename it as Logow.old or something first before copying the new file into the directory) That is all : 0 ). Reboot or shut down your system and welcome Amiga aboard!! New Icons + utilities ===================== This is a real cool and impressive implementation. Marko even managed to replace Windows logo with an Amiga Logo on the start Button. Where to get the files? You can obtain the information and icons subsitute + utilities files from : http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/1559/pc_n.htm How to install? Hmm.... It is neither easy nor straight forward. Read the document carefully before you do anything. You will have to use Regedit.exe and certain software to do the job. Apart from the software mentioned in Marko's document you can also get Easyicon.zip from Shareware.com. If you do not understand much about windows structures give this one a miss, unless reinstalling Win95 onto the computer is your favourite hobby. I strongly advise you to contact the author Marko Schuster if you have any problems. A snap shot of Marko's Workbench (Win95ami.Jpg) is included in this archive. Amiga Screen Saver ================== Can you imagine lots of Amiga Logos zooming in and out on a PC screen. Well, this is what this screen saver can do. Where to get it? Aminet/misc/emu or any full mirror sites. http://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/misc/emu/ablank11.lha How to install? Put Amiga.scr into your windows directory. Click on My computer\Control panel\display and change the screensaver to Amiga. Incendentally, you can also install this file onto any MsWindows system including NT and 3.#. AmigaGuide ========== If you use Aminet from work as I do and want to read the Amiga Guide Docs from your downloaded files, this proggy is an absolute revelation. Where to get it? Aminet/misc/emu or any full mirror sites. http://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/misc/emu/winguide.lha How to install? Put winguide.exe in your windows directory and make a shortcut icon on the desk top. You can dragg and drop the documents onto the icon for viewing. It comes with a beautiful bonging logo icon. Miscelleanous ============= Of course, there are many more thing you can do apart from the above 4 options. Here is just a few more: Workbench95 BETA V0.01 ---------------------- This is a very new contender. You can get a demo from: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/7094/ to find out what it is all about. Amiga Wallpaper --------------- Change your desk top wall paper (back drop) to your own favourite Amigan One. How to do it? Convert your back drop file to BMP format 256 colour with Personal Paint or Paint Shop Pro. If you to have a full screen wallpaper instead of tiling the desk top, choose a picture or convert the size of the picture to the same resolution of your screen display. For example, if you are using a 800x600 display use a 800x6000 picture as well. Put the picture file in your windows directory and click on my computer\control panel\display and change the background wallpaper to your own file. Renameing the icons ------------------- You can always rename my comupter as Workbench, Control Panel as System, A: Drive as DF0:, C: as DH0: etc, etc.... UAE ------- You'll need to run it on a P200 MMx to get a decent speed but of cuorse it is second best to the real thing. Where to get it? Shareware.com or commercial version "Amiga for Ever" CD Rom Siamese System -------------- HiQ's new baby. Where to get it? Siamese Systems Limited 9 Church Lane, Hockliffe, Bedfordshire, LU7 9NQ Tel 01525 211327 Fax 01525 211328 email steve@siamese.co.uk Use a real Amiga ---------------- Hmmm..... This must be the most sensible solution of all but again we are not in an ideal world ; 0 ) About the Author ================ I am an UK based 2/3D designer & PC Multimedia author. You can contact me via Email:chantao@hotmail.com if you are looking for a Designer/Artist for your project. Recent Involvment with the Amiga Community: 1. Designed/contributed Art work for Black Balde's TSotTM (version 1 & 2) 2. Designed/contributed Art work for Geosync Media's Star Fighter. COPYRIGHT ========= All mentioned trademarks & archives are subject to their owners. NO WARRANTY =========== The author can not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s)/project(s) it describes. DISTRIBUTION ============ This software package is for freely (re)distribution. You are not allowed to change it in any form, except for compression purpose.